Bollywood beauty Priyanka Chopra, who plays a murderous wife to seven husbands in upcoming movie ‘Saat Khoon Maaf’ is not the first choice for the film from the reliable sources information. This is interesting, well we all know that Vishal Bhardwaj’s forthcoming flick ‘Saat Khoon Maaf’ has Priyanka in the lead as a wife who kills her seven husbands but the twist in the tale is that B town attractive Priyanka was not the first choice for the film. It was Hrithik in the mind of Vishal Bhardwaj when he was planning ‘Saat Khoon Maaf’.
Originally, it was going to be the husband killing his seven wives and not the way we hear and read by now. It is learnt that intially Vishal approached Hrithik Roshan with this role, but Hrithik was very much busy with ‘Guzaarish’ so he could not commit. Vishal didnot want to wait for long so he changed the script and asked Priyanka who happily agreed to do.
Interestingly, we all come to hear of people going for a sex change for reasons but this is the first time a script has gone a sex change operation due to non availability of an actor. ]